Assignment Name: Operational Auditor and Impact Assessment Contract for the Ministry of Industrialization / World Bank Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Competitiveness Project

Country: Kenya

Location within Country: The MSME project is a national project covering Nairobi, Central, Eastern, Rift Valley Coast, Western and Nyanza Provinces

Name of Client: Ministry of Industrialization / World Bank

Start Date : June 2007

Completion Date : June 2009

Narrative Description of Project:

Conduct  Operational Audits and Impact Assessment for the MSME competitiveness project on behalf of the Ministry of Industrialization.

Description of Actual Services Provided by FIT:

  • Operational Audits (Interviews with stakeholders, review of reports and other project documents and preparation of Operational Audit report in collaboration with associate consultant)
  • Preparation of Impact Assessment baseline questionnaires, selection and training of enumerators, collection and analysis of primary data and compilation of preliminary findings