FIT Resources an emerging expert in M&E for M4P Programmes
FIT Resources in keeping with the most current development model known as the M4P approach (making Markets work For the Poor) or Market Systems approach, is strategically positioning itself to particularly become the institution doing Monitoring and Evaluation for M4P programmes in the region.
Currently FIT is part of a consortium delivering on the Kenya Markets Assistance Programme which takes the Market systems approach. Within MAP FIT plays a major role in M&E also known as Knowledge and Results Management (KRM).
Partners in the consortium include FIT Resources, SNV Netherlands Development Organization, KMT who is the programme host, and ASI (Adam Smith International) also the lead partner. Programme staff has received and continue to receive relevant training and mentorship, from The Springfield Centre who are the gurus in Market systems approach. This is to ensure capacity strengthening to quality deliver on MAP and most importantly become the benchmark for delivering market systems programmes in Eastern Africa.
KMAP is a 4-6 year multi donor funded programme; funded by DFID, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (GCF) and the Netherlands Embassy. It is a component of a larger DFID programme; PRIME (Promoting Better Regulation, Investment, Markets and Employment) whose goal is to enhance inclusive and equitable growth and employment creation among the poor.
Economic poor have continued to perform poorly within market systems because certain functions within the markets do not favour their growth. A market system is structure regarded as a whole and consisting of a product/service, its demand and its supply, supporting functions e.g infrastructure, information, financiers & ICT, and Rules e.g standards, regulations, informal rules & norms. These elements continually influence one another directly or indirectly to maintain smooth operation of the market system. Any product including agricultural or service that is for business therefore falls within a market system when we begin to talk about its demand and supply. M4P approach works by identifying constraints hindering good performance of the poor (could be farmers, or traders or any other people engaging in the business) within a Market system , and designing interventions to address those constraints for better performance of the poor within the system.
MAP is designed to make markets work better for the poor people in key agricultural markets and basic service sectors, predominantly in rural areas of Kenya. To achieve this goal MAP has been designed to catalyze innovation within the private sector; facilitate the emergence of more inclusive business models; and realigning the incentives, capacities, relationships and rules which govern how markets work and shape the participation of the poor whether as producers, employees or consumers.
MAP is currently implementing market systems strategies across 4 pro poor markets (cotton, rural water supply, dairy and aquaculture) with plans to expand into 4 more (seeds, agricultural equipment, input supply and livestock) within the next 2 years.
Kenya’s Vision 2030 together with other policy frameworks such as the private sector development strategy (PSDS) recognizes the key role of the private sector as the main driver of investment and economic growth, and addressing key constraints that hamper growth in sectors and markets for different commodities or services is central in unlocking the vast potential in the economy. MAP therefore aims at addressing market bottlenecks in order to stimulate demand, enable efficiency in production, operation of value chains and ensure that selected markets operate optimally and profitably.
MAP will follow the making markets work for the poor (M4P) approach, which DFID has used to produce results in most of its private sector development work. Specifically in Kenya, MAP’s use of M4P approach builds on successful Implementation of Business Sector Market Development Programme (BSMDP) where FIT was a Key Player, and Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) programmes, which used the market development approach to, respectively, contribute to unlocking growth in the agri-business sector (dairy and horticulture) and in promoting financial access among the poor. MAP’s activities will be linked to work by Government and other actors to ensure synergy and complimentarily.
Its overall result is job creation and income growth among Kenya’s poor which are to be delivered in three outcomes, namely:
a) Major systemic change achieved in up to 8 pro poor market systems.
b) Poor people positively affected in terms of new jobs created and incomes.
c) Increase in perception of partners’ understanding of the M4P approach.
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